Rabbi David Rosen Interfaith


Rabbi David Rosen has retired from his position as  AJC’s International Director of Interreligious Affairs after twenty three years, but continues to serve as Special Interfaith Advisor to the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi. Rosen has been advancing understanding and good relations between religious communities for more than forty years – from the time he served as rabbi of the largest Orthodox Jewish congregation in South Africa, during his tenure as Chief Rabbi of Ireland; and throughout the last more than thirty years based in Jerusalem.

In addition to interreligious representation and education, his work involves mediation and peace building and he is heavily involved in multi-religious engagement on ecological issues. Among the various awards and recognition he has received, Rabbi Rosen was granted a papal Knighthood in 2005 for his contribution to Jewish-Catholic reconciliation and in 2010 he was made a CBE (Commander of the British Empire) by H.M. Queen Elizabeth II for his work promoting interfaith understanding and cooperation.

Rabbi David Rosen Official Profile Pic

Rabbi David Rosen

Photographer:  Yaal Herman

“Interreligious dialogue is an essential component in facilitating peaceful reconciliation in international relations for the wellbeing of our world as a whole”

News and Events

From Jerusalem: Interfaith World Prayer During COVID-19

From Jerusalem: Interfaith World Prayer During COVID-19

Part of the mission of religions is to provide support and succor in times of danger and threat such as during this pandemic. Religious leaders should also reinforce responsible conduct to preserve life, which Judaism teaches is of the highest priority. In addition,...

In first, Israeli Rabbi hosted at Saudi Royal Palace

In first, Israeli Rabbi hosted at Saudi Royal Palace

Rabbi David Rosen is the Jewish representative among the nine leaders from the five major world religions who make up the Board of Directors of the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID). In February...

Interfaith prayers at Auschwitz with senior Muslim clerics

Interfaith prayers at Auschwitz with senior Muslim clerics

“The presence of the delegation of distinguished Muslim leaders led by Dr. Mohammed Abdul Kareem All Issa at the death camps yesterday, and now at the service in this Jewish house of worship cannot be overestimated. The presence of our Muslim brethren together with...

TED Talk: Understanding Religious Roots with Rabbi David Rosen

TED Talk: Understanding Religious Roots with Rabbi David Rosen

I came to interfaith relations out of my religious commitment to social justice. My encounters with ‘the other‘, actually required me to deepen my own faith and understanding of who I am, in order to truly represent my own heritage to them. I came to realize far more...

Emory University Peace Summit with the Dalai Lama

Emory University Peace Summit with the Dalai Lama

Religious leaders came together with the Dalia Lama to address the challenges of the religions of the world today; and how they may work together to reduce violent conflict and build peaceful, pluralistic societies.

For the latest news and updates, please follow the Rabbi David Rosen page on Facebook.

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